Author name: Amir Akbari

moving and storage richmond movers

5 Reasons to Move to Richmond

5 reasons you may want to consider a move to Richmond! Thinking of moving to a city in Metro Vancouver other than Vancouver itself, but not sure which one to choose? One city that may interest you is Richmond, located right on the coast at the mouth of the Fraser River. Before

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Ferguson helps

Ferguson helps reunite another moving company’s customers with their long lost belongings

Recently, a Vancouver moving company went out of business very suddenly, with no forewarning to its customers. Yes, that means some ‘jobs’ were in progress and never got completed. Due to this, people were left without their belongings for months. What makes matters more complicated is that this was an international

Ferguson helps reunite another moving company’s customers with their long lost belongings Read More »

long distance move, international moving

International Moving Tips

Tips for moving a household far away from ‘home’: International Moving Tips Now that you’re a family, and not just an individual, your days of freedom to live as a nomad are gone.  You will never feel more grounded than the day you have to tell your kids that the

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movers, moving and storage

How to Load a Moving Truck

How to Load a Moving Truck   Moving can be a stressful time and often we chose to do it the fastest way possible, without thinking how our ‘fast route’ will affect us once we arrive at our final destination.  For anyone who has moved, experience always tells us to

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On December 1, 2013 Ferguson Moving & Storage Company in Vancouver will give moving clients a move for hunger box when they pack their kitchen. Any unwanted non perishable food can be put in the box. Our movers will collect the boxes and we will donate them to the food


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