Should you be moving antique furniture, or should you sell them for cash?
You may be about to move in Vancouver, and it’s going to get fairly stressful. You may already have some ideas of the items that you want to get rid of. The stress of moving may cause you to want to throw all that out without a second thought. But wait! Do have a second thought, since those items may be converted into money.
Have you ever seen the ‘Antiques Roadshow’? It’s a show where authorized antique appraisers tour various cities to look at antiques brought in by various people living in those cities. On the show, we see people bring in art pieces, furniture, special collections of comic books and sport memorabilia to be sold for a good amount of cash!
What is considered antique?
Most industry experts would agree that antiques are items that are more than 100 years old. However, some others may claim that something can be considered antique if they are slightly less than 100 years old, but have historical significance as well as value in their aesthetics.
What do I look for in antique furniture?
Before you begin to prepare to move in Vancouver, it is best to look at what you have in storage. There are probably items in there that you have forgotten about, and no longer have a need for. Some examples of items you can look for are: art pieces, rugs, lighting, pottery, appliances and electronics, furniture, collections and heirlooms.
How can I know if my antique furniture are worth money?
Appraisal is the process in which the value of something is determined. There are professional appraisers who can determine how much your item is worth. Most appraisal services will cost you some money, but they will provide a lot of useful information on the item in question. A professional appraiser will give you a written report that will describe your item, as well as how they estimate the value of that item. The report usually will include an estimate of a fair-market value, which is how much a buyer would pay you. It will also include a replacement value, which is what that item would cost if sold at retail.
Where can I find a good appraiser?
It is important to note that appraisers should never be the one buying your item, because this is automatically a conflict of interest. Find an appraiser who will just estimate value, and then take it to a local antiques or collectibles dealer. To begin, you may find certified appraisers in your local area. International Society of Appraisers may be a good place to begin your search.
Where can I sell my antique furniture?
As with finding a good appraiser, it is important to do thorough research before selling your item. It is usually good to personally visit your local dealers and auctioneers. Investigate what they sell and how much it costs to sell through them.
How to Contact Ferguson Moving & Storage in Vancouver BC
After earning some cash from your antique furniture, be sure to call Ferguson Moving & Storage at 604-922-2212 or contact us online today!