5 moving tips for downsizing your home

moving checklist, downsizing your home

Downsizing Your Home 

Whether you are an empty-nester and your house has been feeling a bit too big, or if you are simply looking to reduce your living costs, downsizing can be a very positive choice to make.

If you’ve decided move to a new home, the hard part of moving into a smaller home especially is trying to cut down on your belongings. You are going to have to accept that you will have to get rid of things that you are used to always seeing around your house.

But don’t worry, cutting down on your belongings doesn’t have to be a nightmare! Ferguson Moving & Storage has 5 tips to make downsizing your home a simpler experience:

1.  Start packing for a move in advance

Packing for a move in advance: There is nothing that could make a move more stressful than scrambling to get everything packed and ready in time. Even worse is if you have to cut out half your belongings before packing everything up. Starting in advance is the number one thing you should do to reduce your stress when moving to a smaller home!

2. Do you really need this?

Sorting before you pack: This is a question you will need to ask yourself a lot while trying to cut down on belongings before a move. Try making a list of everything you can think of that you use in your everyday life that you could not live without. Then, while you’re going through your things, if you come across something not on that list, ask yourself why you didn’t think of it and if you actually need it. Get a second opinion if you aren’t sure.

Sometimes a family member or friend will know better than you and will be able to convince you that the tent you’ve kept in storage for 10 years in case you ever decide to try camping would probably be better used by someone else.

3. Start packing for a move in the garage

Packing for a move in the garage: Starting to go through your belongings can be a very daunting task, so try and start in the easiest place: the garage, shed, or storage area. This is where we often put things that we don’t use very much, so there is a big chance that it will be the easiest place to find things to get rid of.

After the garage, try moving on to the kitchen next. The kitchen is also an easy place to get rid of things since most of it won’t be very sentimental to you, and you probably don’t really need 10 casserole dishes and a plethora of baking sheets and mixing bowls.

4. Focus on one area at a time when packing for a move

Focused packing: This tip is crucial for avoiding stress and chaos. If you are working on multiple areas at a time, it is harder to keep track of all the clutter and it is very difficult to feel like you are progressing! Pick an area and don’t start another until you finish it.

If you start going through a bookshelf in your living room, don’t start on another until that one is completely sorted through. You will be surprised how accomplished it will make you feel each time you finish one spot!

5. Use bins to help you sort through your belongings before you move

Use sorting bins: Using bins to help you sort through your things can be both a time-saver and a clutter-reducer. Set out three bins or boxes: one for trash, one for recycling, and one for things to give away.

You could also have a central pile or a list of things you want to sell. Especially if you are downsizing, one of the easiest ways to get rid of furniture or bigger items that you don’t need is to sell it on craigslist or in a garage sale. This simple system will help your sorting go smoothly and you’ll be ready to move into your smaller home in no time!

Downsizing your home may seem like a daunting task, but following these 5 simple tips should help you get the job done in no time!

Your Moving Professionals

Find out how Ferguson Moving & Storage can help you downsize your home.  Call 604-922-2212 or order online for a free estimate.  

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